Sunday, March 26, 2006

Anticipating the next level

Today's discussion was really rich! In fact, that's probably why I lost track of time. I was really surprised when I looked down at my watch, it was 10 minutes until noon, and Steve still needed time to talk about next steps. It seemed like you all were really digging into the discussion of entering the waltz through the fight step. (Am I right on that assessment?) I hope it wasn't a purely academic discussion, either. To me, there's a lot of practicality in being able to enter the waltz through either repent, believe, or fight because that just gives me more ways to get to Jesus. Every time I end up at him, I realize that I've gotten my heart's desire.

I'm looking forward to seeing what God does next week during our CHEERS planning lunch. I'm sure almost all of us are busy and therefore timid about taking on another responsibility. Please remember that you can do as much or as little as you would like. The more people that will help, the lighter the load will be on each person. The needs are in the areas of hospitality, mercy/outreach, communication, and leadership.

Remember to let Steve or Paula know if you're coming so we can have enough food on hand. Let's all be praying this week as people have to fight out whether to commit to helping out with CHEERS. We're poised to go to a new level of grace if more people get involved. Do you think we could see God move in such a way that people commit to helping out, not so much from a sense of duty, but more from a sense of joyful anticipation about what God is up to in our class?

Thursday, March 16, 2006

What kind of people?

Thought you all might want to see a copy of our thoughts from Sunday. I was moved by the softness and gentleness in the room in response to the question, "What kind of people should we be?". Did anyone else notice that?