Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Any thoughts?

Didn't have time to post a debrief of Sunday's lesson (The Bad Theology of Serendipity). Please use this thread to post any thoughts you have about that lesson, about possible topics for future lessons, or anything else you'd like to talk about.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Me & God

Great being back with the EPIC class this morning! I hope you all got something out of the lesson. I was a little pressed for time; so, we weren't able to go at the relaxed pace I had planned.

Did I come across as critical of Josh Turner? I apologize if I did. That wasn't my intention. Instead, I was hoping to get across how theology is everywhere, and we have to have insight and wisdom as we walk through this life. I'm glad several of you pointed out the good theology in portions of the song.

I think immanence and transcendence were new terms to some of you. That's probably a portion of the lesson where we could have used more time to unpack the theology there. I did find something from J. I. Packer that may help if you want to go further with those ideas. I've only quickly scanned through this document; so, let me know any feedback you have on how appropriate it is.


Please post any comments or questions you have. I'll be checking back here throughout the week, especially to see if you have any questions that you'd like me to answer. Also, keep on the lookout for bad theology in pop culture, and let me know anything you see. I'm still looking for topics for future lessons.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Cheat Code for Tomorrow's Lesson

If you're seeing this and you're in the EPIC class, I'm impressed that you remembered about this blog, and I think you deserve a reward. Tomorrow, we're going to be looking at Josh Turner's song "Me and God." If you're not familiar with it, click the link in the title of this post and look a the lyrics. Then, click the sidebar link to the reformed confessions and find section II of the Westminster Confession of Faith (under the Westminster Standards). That should give you some help in figuring out the bad theology of the song. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.

Oh, and you can't tell anyone else that this post is up. This will be our secret until tomorrow.