Sunday, June 17, 2007

Me & God

Great being back with the EPIC class this morning! I hope you all got something out of the lesson. I was a little pressed for time; so, we weren't able to go at the relaxed pace I had planned.

Did I come across as critical of Josh Turner? I apologize if I did. That wasn't my intention. Instead, I was hoping to get across how theology is everywhere, and we have to have insight and wisdom as we walk through this life. I'm glad several of you pointed out the good theology in portions of the song.

I think immanence and transcendence were new terms to some of you. That's probably a portion of the lesson where we could have used more time to unpack the theology there. I did find something from J. I. Packer that may help if you want to go further with those ideas. I've only quickly scanned through this document; so, let me know any feedback you have on how appropriate it is.

Please post any comments or questions you have. I'll be checking back here throughout the week, especially to see if you have any questions that you'd like me to answer. Also, keep on the lookout for bad theology in pop culture, and let me know anything you see. I'm still looking for topics for future lessons.


Lee said...

I always find it a little funny, but encouraging, when I learn from my own lesson. I was struggling this morning in prayer over a big decision Beth and I are facing, and the first thing that came to mind was God's transcedence. It went something like this, "Oh yeah. God is the All Might, Most Holy, Most Powerful King of the Universe. He loves me dearly. Why am I trying to figure this out on my own, as if I'm an orphan."

CGouge said...

I've started to write a new country song. It's entitled Don't Blame Me Lee. The first verse:

Don't blame me Lee
for my poor theolo-gee
Don't blame me Lee
for being in the pod
Don't blame me Lee
this is between me and God

I love you man. Enjoyed the lesson yesterday. Always interesting and thought provoking.

Lee said...

Cooper's writing country music! Who knew? But "Between me and God"? Do you really want to know my theological comment on that?

Glad you're enjoying the lessons. I'll try to stay away from country in the future. Got any suggestions of anything I should cover.

Unknown said...

I've got another song for you, "Come to Jesus" by Mindy Smith (Those of us going to Art on the Rocks Friday will hear her live). Just wondering what your thoughts were on this one: if it's good or bad theology...not nearly as obvious as the whole "two peas in a pod" thing. Here's a link to the lyrics:

Gina said...

Lee, I always cringed a little when I hear Julie Andrews and the Captain sing their song in The Sound of Music though I love the movie. It has Catholic influence, so there may be more stuff. I have the soundtrack.

Lee said...

Natalie: Looked through the lyrics. You're right; it's subtle. I'm not familiar with Mindy's music. This wasn't recorded as a blatantly Christian song, right?

Lee said...

Gina: Been a long time since I saw the movie. Which song is it that they sing?