Sunday, July 09, 2006

Bad Theology: Martina's Gospel

I enjoyed this lesson. Teaching in the combined CHEERS/Great Expectations was interesting because of all of the faces who were new to me. I wasn't sure how comfortable everyone was with my style of teaching, though.

One of the biggest things I enjoy about teaching Sunday School is how much I learn during a lesson. That may sound a little strange--teachers isn't supposed to learn, right? When the discussion gets going and different people start putting in their ideas, I always learn something. This lesson helped me clarify my understanding of vengeance, especially how hard it is for us not to at least want vengeance. I guess I realized most that vengeance can be a holy desire because God will one day pour out his vengeance on sin. The hard thing for us now, though, is how God calls us to wait for that time and trust that he is in full control even now. My simplistic idea about vengeance got deepened during the lesson.

What surprised me was how many people were moved by this lesson! I thought it was just going to be a good chance to kick around some ideas: Play "Independence Day," ask a few good questions, and ride herd on the discussion. I was surprised by the tears and anger in the room. What's going on here? Is it that some of our brothers and sisters are oppressed under the weight of sin, but we go on as if everything's fine? What would our Christian community look like if we brought out into the open more how we are suffering due to other's sin? Please post your thoughts on this. I'd like to learn some more from what your thinking and feeling.

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