Sunday, February 11, 2007

The Prophetic Perspective & Old Testament Hope

I hope today's lesson was meaningful to all of you from the EPIC crew. I didn't realize until we were in the middle of it how much technical information I needed to go over: the prophetic perspective, the now and the not yet, the 2 mountains analogy, and how to read Old Testament prophecy. Might be a good week for us to bounce some questions back and forth, especially if I didn't clear everything up for you.

If you missed, click the link or post title to go to the handout from the lesson. You can spend a little time looking at how some OT prophecy focuses on blessings we already have because of the first advent (now), blessings we will have at the second advent (the not yet), and passages that mix the two (under the And column).

I'd also be interested in your intial reactions to the thought of beginning a study of Revelation next week. Feel free to post and let me know if the thought of studying Revelation causes you to be afraid or worried. Maybe you think you're about to spend weeks in confusion. Any thoughts you share will help me get a sense of how to start of next week's lesson. Remember, you can post anonymously.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm excited about us studying Revelations beginning next week. This whole series has opened my eyes to so much about the future that I have never stopped to think about (especially how the future affects my life today) and has given me much hope. I'm looking forward to diving more into Revelations and going deeper than I have before with a new perspective on what is to come.