Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Eschatology Q&A

If you have a question about eschatology, please post it here by clicking the comments counter just below on the right. (It gives the total number of comments made thus far by saying "0 comments," "1 comments," "2 comments," etc.) Then, check back in a day or so for my response.


Anonymous said...

Will sins of believers be judged? Are the Judgment Seat of Christ and Great White Throne Judgment distinct judgments?

What is basis for mansions and their sizes?

Lee said...

Good questions there, John.

Sins of believers: What sins? We have the perfect righteousness of Christ. We will be judged, but the judgment will be the pronouncement of God's favor on us because of our position in Christ.

Different judgments: Not totally sure on this, but if I remember right, Hoekema says that they're the same judgment. Dispensationalism seems to make a big deal about delineating the different judgments; I'm not seeing the reformers emphasize that.

Mansions: "Mansion" is probably a hold-over from KJV, and it's not really a Biblical concept. Jesus is "going to prepare a place" for us, but that place is probably best thought of as a room, not a mansion.

Anonymous said...

Berkof says that our(believer) sins will be "stated" or "listed" at the judgement.

Lee said...

Even if they're listed, there will be no guilt or shame or retribution attached to that listing. Jesus truly "paid it all." Instead, I would think it would be a time of seeing how Christ has triumphed over our sin.