Sunday, January 16, 2011

Intro Lesson on Prayer

[I originally posted this as a Facebook note. Just now, I realized that I should probably blog my reflections on each lesson, and then link them back to Facebook. plm]

I'm teaching a Sunday School class on prayer at Oak Mountain Prez in January and February. We're using Paul Miller's A Praying Life as our resource for looking at how to pray in a gospel- and grace-centered way. On Jan 9, I taught an intro lesson designed mostly to help me take the pulse of where everyone is regarding prayer and how they want to grow. See the attached picture for the white board from the lesson. Around the edges are the answers to, "For you, what's hard about prayer?". In the center was the analogies for their prayer life that many people threw out. I covered briefly key content from Part 1 of A Praying Life. The next lesson will be on Jan 23, and it will focus on Part 2 of the book.

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