Sunday, February 05, 2006

Let the games begin...

I hope this works. Almost every Sunday after teaching CHEERS, I have all of these thoughts in my head: How did the lesson go? What did people learn? Are they getting the gospel? Was I too hard? Was I too soft? I want these thoughts out in a space bigger than just the private conversations in my head. (Lots of voices inside there, if you haven't already figured that out.) A blog seems to be the best way to get my thoughts out there where others can join in so we can better see what God is doing.

I'm curious to see how many people will join in. Probably, for most of us who are 40- and 50-something, interacting via a blog will be a new thing. I can't think of any better way, though, to keep the conversation going during the week. That's one of my biggest goals in this blog--keeping us talking. If you have a question, ask it. If you have a concern, express it. If you see something God is doing in CHEERS, tell us what you're seeing.

It's another way to live out community. The millenial generation knows how to build community on-line ( I guess we should find out what they already know. I look forward to seeing what you have to say.

Oh, want to hear something cool? As I'm typing this about trying new things, Steven Curtis Chapman's "All Things New" comes up randomly on my iTunes and starts playing. The key line is how our God is "making all things new." So, community via a blog, huh? Maybe it's a good idea.

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