Tuesday, August 08, 2006


I have a question for you to think about in preparation for this Sunday. What is Biblical forgiveness? When Jesus commands us to forgive others, what does that mean? Are we supposed to forget the harm they did to us ("forgive and forget")? Does it mean that if we forgive, then we trust the person again? What is gospel-centered forgiveness? Ponder these questions as you get ready for Sunday. And please pray for me. I was hurt today by someone, and as I sat down to work on this lesson, I realized that God has sovereignly set me up to be ready to learn. I need to forgive, and I don't want to.

1 comment:

Lee said...

Thanks for this, Doug. Father Jonathan's words go more in depth on these issues than we had time to in class, and these are some of the very questions people were wrestling with in class. His points #4 and #5 were particularly insightful to me.