Saturday, January 13, 2007

Help with the Reformed Confessions?

If you're not sure about the reformed confessions and catechisms, follow the link (or click the title of this post) to get to a page that should hep you get started. Feel free to post a question here, using the Comment button, and I'll get back with you.


Anonymous said...

I just had a quick question regarding the Belgic Confession. In the third to last paragraph in Article 37, it mentions the holy and elect angels. What does that mean? Is that just referring to the angels not cast into hell with Satan or are they a subset of the angels that remain in heaven?

Lee said...

I would think it's all of the angels who didn't follow Lucifer into rebellion, i.e., all of the angels who didn't become demons. I don't see anything in Scripture about a special subset of angels.