Sunday, January 07, 2007

EPIC Eschatology

Well now, "EPIC Eschatology" has a little bit of nice sound to it! It was going being with all of you in the EPIC class this morning, and I look forward to being with you for the next 7-8 weeks as we study eschatology together. Hopefully, you can see from this morning that, if nothing more, our study together will be engaging. Please let me know anything I can do for you along the way to help you learn better, especially in making sense of what the Scriptures mean in the daily wolrd of your life. Also, let me know any questions or your concerns that you have. The previous classes I've worked with haven't really wanted to interact much via this Blog; Crissy tells me you guys will be different!

As I mentioned in class, I'd like to hear from you questions that you'd like me to address during the unit. If I can give you a quick answer here, I will. If I don't answer you this week, it means that you've raised a good question, and I'll plan to address it in the weeks ahead.

So, post your questions by making a comment. Also, use the link (or click the title of this post) if you want to get to a copy of the Belgic confession (or other reformed confessions since the link takes you to a page I built to collect together confession resources).

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